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Our journey to Nicaragua started over 20 years ago with a loving couple in the church who felt led to begin sharing the gospel with the people there. They put together teams which traveled all over the country spreading God's word and His love. From sleeping in tents, to scaling mountains, nothing got in the way of their missions. As time wore on, it became harder for the couple to travel. Now, since 2012, their son leads the team faithfully every year. 

Over the past 5 years, and until God is done with His work there, we have dedicated our hearts to the impoverished community of Matiguas through a partnership with Bethel Baptist Church of Managua. Our work started with walking the streets and going door to door to share the gospel with the people there. As we worked to grow the body of Christ, the next step was to find Peace Homes, or houses that fellow believers offered to fellowship in. Since there were no church buildings, this was a vital step in ensuring growth for the new believers. Our most recent trip was aimed at showing the children the love of Christ, all the while demonstrating to the parents what a Christ centered family should look like. As we continue to return and build up the body of Christ, we are working to purchase land where a physical church building can be constructed for them to meet and worship. 

God is steady working there as one of the local pastors has heard the call to move his family to Matiguas to lead the new church and nurture the flock. Our hearts are on fire for Christ and for the people of Matiguas, and we hope that you will support us on this journey to share the gospel! As we continue to grow in our endeavors, our goal is to be able to support sister missions in Guatemala and all over the world! Thank you for your faithfulness in helping us and spreading the gospel!

"And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!"        -Romans 10:15 NIV




Board of Directors

Mike Root - Michelle Root - Bill Osborne - Ted Welch

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