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Share with the Lord's people who are in need.
             -Romans 12:13 NIV

At The Kingdom Advancement Project, we are not embarking on something that is new to Christianity, but we are pouring our hearts into this specific community of people who are in need of Christ. We know there are multitudes of other charities asking for your support as well, and we are all working to share the Gospel with the world!



What separates us is our specific efforts in helping the people of Nicaragua, and currently the community of Matiguas. Our promise to you is that we will always display good stewardship with the donations and how we can use them to further the Kingdom. 

As we work to spread the Gospel throughout Nicaragua, we invite you to be a part of this awesome journey. God has placed a fire within us that burns passionately for the people of Nicaragua, and as we strive to do the work He is allowing us to share in, there are many needs that arise. Rest assured that 100% of all donations go directly to the mission teams, and the people of Nicaragua.


We know that there are thousands of other missionaries around the world sharing in this same work, and we are by no means asking to withdraw your support for them in order to help us, all we ask is that you pray to the Father and see if supporting The Kingdom Advancement Project is in His will. 

If at any time you would like to see a log book of how we spend our donations, please send us an email and we would be happy to let you see!

If you would like to designate your donation for a specific thing, such as Bibles, mission team expenses, tools, etc., please put that in the note of your donation. Thanks! 

 Please consider a recurring monthly donation!

We have received our 501(c)3 approval! All donations are TAX EXEMPT! Please keep your receipts for filing.

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