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Medical missions has been one area we feel we need to expand on. Our team consists of nurses who feel the call to offer their services, and recently we have discovered that one of our Nicaraguan team members has a sister who is a doctor! God is opening this door for us and we want to run through it, but we have some hoops to jump through. Aside from the money it would take to purchase medical supplies, we also have to have an established local doctor with us...but as you read above, God already knew this! We are excited to start expanding our mission trips with medical opportunities. 


One of the biggest hindrances for the people of Matiguas to study the Word is that there is not an easily available source to get Bibles. This past year, we found a company there that has translated the King James version Bible into Spanish, and with the help of a generous donor, we were able to purchase 31 Bibles to distribute! This is another door that has been open to us to better serve the Lord and His people, so if you would like to help in getting Bibles to these people, please designate your donation to this!


This area of our missions is what provides us the opportunity to physically serve the people of Matiguas. Our supply list changes every trip, and we are going to work on putting a list up so you can directly support them if you wish. A general idea of the things we bring every year are: hats, soccer balls, basketballs, air pumps, shoes, candy, and salvation bracelets. Every trip we have a different focus, and this past one was on the kids, so we did a VBS style trip. Supplies were geared towards arts and crafts and games, and food. Prior to each trip, we will send out a list of items to those on our email list so you can help if interested. 

A Church

Building a church has always been on our minds, but the Lord steady reminded us that the body comes first. On our recent trip in July 2016, it became clear that it was time to start preparing to build a church. A small piece of land where we meet up with the community became available for purchase, and could serve as a central location for worship. This has become our main concern when it comes to funding. Most of the donations we collect in the immediate future will go to helping build this church.

Peace Homes 

Once we began building the body of Christ up, the next step was to establish places for our new brothers and sisters in Christ to fellowship together and study God's word. Having no church building did not stop God! He led people in the community to offer their homes as a place of fellowship, and we have since called these homes Peace Homes. It was amazing to see some people, who literally had nothing but a tin roof and mud floor, open their homes so fellow believers could study together. 

The Body 

Our first project, which is never ceasing, is to build up the body of Christ. When we first came to Matiguas, there were no places for Christians to fellowship or worship. But, we knew that we had to build the body of Christ before we built a building. So, we went all over the community sharing the good news about the Risen King! Every year we go back, this is still a main focus.








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